Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What a day

Today started out like any other day, I went to work answered the phones but around 3:00PM it all went honorably wrong. OK pitcher this, my mom comes over to the office to store some Christmas gifts so we start to take them into the back shop which has a separate door from the main shop, as we walk through that door it slams shut behind us and we find that it is locked and the only way out of that room is into the yard. If you ever been there you will know that the yard of the office is surrounded by tall fences with barbed wire on the top. So there we are locked in the back with out a phone and no way to get out. After a while of yelling, ( and laughing I have to admit) trying to get the attention of our neighbors and moaning every time the phone range we knew that the only way out of there if no one came was to try to climb the fence (yea the one with the barbed wire) there's this one section by the gate (which is pad locked by the way) that it might be possible to climb over if your not afraid of falling and braking every bone in your body which is the though that ran through my head as I stood (it was really a crouch) on the top bar (yes that top bar in the pitcher) and looked over the fence and tried to get the nerve up to try to climb down the fence which had plastic covers run through the links. As I was up there contemplating my early demise someone pulled up to the business across the street, we were able to get her attention and she went through the office (which the front door was wide open taunting us) and open the shop door. After a lot of thanks yous and laughter we were no long prisoners in our own back yard. So THANK YOU kind stranger and never go any were without your keys and a cell phone.


Jann said...

I tell you, that must have been horrible. I can see you trying to get over that fence. I would have been too scared. I am glad someone came along.

Ellen Rae said...

There are some days that you just shouldn't get out of bed and I think you had one of those. I'm glad you got some help. By the way it was so good to see you right before Christmas. I'm glad Grandma made a mistake and I got to see you. Love you!