Saturday, February 2, 2008

President Hinkley

I just finnished watching the funeral of President Gorden B. Hinkley. It was a moving and heart touching service. I was reminded of what a kind and wonderful man he was and his scence of humor that always made watching him speak such a treat. It warms my heart to think of him being back together with his sweet wife. If you didn't get a chance to watch it I would recomend that you fine a copy and do.


Jann said...

I just could not stand that empty chair. It really made me sad. Not sad for him, but sad for myself. I will miss him so much.

Jake said...

I really enjoyed the services as well. I thought that each of the speakers managed to capture a diffirent aspect of the President's life and personality that made him so unique! We have it recorded on DVR because Maria had to work and has not seen it yet. It is sad to see him go but inspirational to see the Church move forward and see the responsibility shift from one to another leader.

Todd, Lara, Aubrey, and Graham said...

Hey Jennifer,

We are having a decopage party at my house on Saturday. It is so much fun. I hope you can come.