Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Blind Date Queen

OK I confess, my dating life is pretty sad. I am almost 28 and I've gone on a total of 8 dates. All different guys and only two of them I knew.

There was the one who said he felt like he was hanging out with the guys.

The one who spent the whole time texting his "bros"

The one who wouldn't talk or look at me the whole time.

And the list goes on, but don't feel sorry for me (OK only a Little) I've learned to laugh at the ones I can and forget the others. A little advice for those who find themselves in the same position. Go with a group of friends, they can make a potential boring evening into something fun. To tell you the truth I don't mind going out on blind dates they can be fun (just not with some of the dates) but I keep an open mind and if he doesn't have fun why shouldn't I? Well this Friday night date number 9 is going to take place. Maria and Jake (whom I Love) set it up and are going along for the ride. There will be a bonfire, cooking and hopefully a whole lot of laughs. Who knows this could turn into a really good friend or into something more only time will tell.

1 comment:

Jann said...

I hope you have a great time. I hope the guy is as fun as you.